Apr 25, 2010

Quantum- Science of Living

For a healthy, happy and successful life, we need a complete and holistic life-view. This is what is missing in today’s world. Most of us are trapped in narrow thinking. An accountant thinks he can solve all problems with accounting, an engineer believes technology is the solution to everything. The doctor believes medicine and surgery can restore perfect health. The bureaucrat believes he alone has the key to all the solutions. After a university professor gets his doctorate, he feels as if he now has all the knowledge in the world. Alems and priests believe religious practices are the panacea for every problem. A young man or woman thinks getting a job in a multinational company is everything in life. But there is an ocean-like gap between these and a successful and fulfilling life. Because we cannot breach this gap, we fall victim to disease, misery and despair.

The truth is life is the summation of all these things. According to World Health Organization, health is ‘a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ So, we need much more than medicine and nutritious food for good health.

Quantum is this science of living which tells us how to live successfully and how to do the least harm and the most good. We are trying to enlighten ourselves and others in the light of this science of living, changing lives in the process.