Apr 25, 2010

Quantum and Meditation

Quantum foundation is a non profit organization where one can get to know how to meditate. Shahid Al Bukhari is the owner of the organization.

Quantum is the 'science of living' of people of modern times, based on universal truths and scientific knowledge. Its goal is to develop our infinite potential fully by using the power of meditation.

Quantum Method embodies the spirit of Quantum. Over the last sixteen years Quantum Method has proved itself to be the method of making the seemingly impossible, possible. When we are ill, and the doctor says there is no hope, health seems impossible. When we have hit the rock bottom of despair, and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, happiness seems like an illusion. And when we have failed miserably despite all efforts, and the whole world seems to be against us, success seems like a distant dream