Mar 30, 2010

Benefits of meditation

The benefits of meditation can be experienced quickly and easily by complete beginners. If we practice simple meditation - such as a breathing meditation - regularly, gradually our distracting thoughts will subside and we will experience a sense of inner peace and relaxation. Our mind will feel fresh.
When we are happy we can reach the goal of our life very easily. By meditation we can have control over our mental distresses that’s why we can be happy more. This feeling of contentment and well-being helps us to cope with the busyness and difficulties of daily life.

So much of the stress and tension comes from our mind, and many of the problems we experience, including ill health, are caused or aggravated by this stress. Just by doing breathing meditation for ten or fifteen minutes each day, we will be able to reduce this stress.

Once said by a sufi, “You can see more in closed eyes rather than opened”. Even scientists have proven that we can control our DNA by doing regular meditation. Again medical science now a day prescribes meditation beside medicine.