Mar 31, 2010

Meditation and Cancer

There is considerable evidence that meditation can help prevent cancer, fight with its symptoms or the side effects of regular cancer treatment, and increase the chances of cancer survival.

Cancer Prevention:
Surveys in the United States have shown meditation can significantly reduce the risk of cancer.More recently, researchers are beginning to explain the process by which meditation may help prevent cancer. One of the ways meditation seems to prevent cancer is by reducing the level of oxidative stress – a process in which reactive oxygen species react with the lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and cause damage to our cells. There is considerable evidence that oxidative stress is one of the causes of aging and a number of age related diseases including cancer.

Controlling or Curing Cancer:

Recent research is beginning to show that meditation helps boost the immune functions in cancer patients, increases cancer survival rates and helps control cancer. researchers have all found in separate studies that meditation and other mind-body interventions increase survival rates in cancer patients. All have been successful in curing hundreds of cancer patients by adding visualization to the regular treatment.

Mar 30, 2010

Benefits of meditation

The benefits of meditation can be experienced quickly and easily by complete beginners. If we practice simple meditation - such as a breathing meditation - regularly, gradually our distracting thoughts will subside and we will experience a sense of inner peace and relaxation. Our mind will feel fresh.
When we are happy we can reach the goal of our life very easily. By meditation we can have control over our mental distresses that’s why we can be happy more. This feeling of contentment and well-being helps us to cope with the busyness and difficulties of daily life.

So much of the stress and tension comes from our mind, and many of the problems we experience, including ill health, are caused or aggravated by this stress. Just by doing breathing meditation for ten or fifteen minutes each day, we will be able to reduce this stress.

Once said by a sufi, “You can see more in closed eyes rather than opened”. Even scientists have proven that we can control our DNA by doing regular meditation. Again medical science now a day prescribes meditation beside medicine.


Meditation is a method for acquainting our mind with virtue. The more familiar our mind is with virtue, the calmer and more peaceful it becomes. When our mind is peaceful we are free from worries and mental discomfort, and we experience true happiness.

It’s magic!! :-)

It’s like magic, meditation. Hey friends I’m going to introduce you with a new life of meditation. Hope you are going to enjoy it.
Have you ever thought why human being is called the best creation of almighty Allah? What part we have that we have been separated from other creations? We have our brain or power of mind, which is the most powerful part of our body that God has given us as blessing. By the power of brain we can control our life as well as ourselves. Meditation is the process through which we connect our brain with other body parts as well as with the unseen abstract world.